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發(fā)表時間:2013/4/26 11:40:35 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


 1.The moon merely _______ the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky. 【 A 】

A. reflects

B. demonstrates

C. transmits

D. launches


2.Let's start working on the project, _______? 【 A 】

A. shall we

B. will we

C. don't we

D. aren't we

【答案解析】:祈使句中除了let's.開頭的句子,其反意問句用shall we?外,其他的都有will you?

3.She is rather nervous before she goes on the ______ to face the audience. 【 C 】

A. stack

B. stock

C. stage

D. style

【答案解析】:本題是詞義辨析題,stage階段,舞臺;stack 一疊,一堆;stock 備料,庫存;style 形式,風(fēng)格 , 因此根據(jù)上下文選stage ,這句話的意思是:她在登上舞臺面對觀眾之前更緊張。

4.Washing food down with water as a _______ for chewing is not a good habit. 【 B 】

A. direction

B. substitute

C. possibility

D. resource


5.In most large companies management is directly ______ in planning the advertising. 【 C 】

A. designed

B. applied

C. involved

D. identified

【答案解析】:本題的考點是詞組:be involved in參與。這句話的意思是:在一些大公司,管理者直接參與廣告的策劃。

6.They knew they had to _______ action to deal with the plague before it spread to other areas. 【 B 】

A. make

B. take

C. perform

D. adopt

【答案解析】:take action指的是"采取行動,提出訴訟"。

7.If you are unable to come to the interview, for _______ reason, you should inform us ahead of time. 【 C 】

A. however

B. somewhat

C. whatever

D. no matter

【答案解析】:for whatever reason指的是"無論出于何種原因"。

8.She found the job _______, and felt that she wasn't accomplishing anything there. 【 B 】

A. rewarding

B. frustratingWww.KaO8.C

C. appealing

D. challenging


9.The change in leadership will have a huge _______ on government policies. 【A 】

A. impact

B. emphasis

C. concern

D. conflict

【答案解析】:名詞的辨析,impact on sth. 對……的影響。

10.At the age of fourteen, Maggie went to a _______ girls school along with her sister. 【B 】

A. near

B. nearby

C. close

D. neighbor

【答案解析】:A. 親密的;B.附近的,臨近的;C.緊密的;D. 鄰








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